This site is dedicated to migrants of Franc-Comtoise origin (FRANCE)

Access to data
It should enable descendants of these families to trace their roots and forge links with French families and ... vice versa.
To contact the genealogical associations of Franche-Comté, send a message to the following addresses :
      * Franche-Comté (Doubs, Jura, Haute-Saône, Territoire de Belfort)                                                                                                                                        ==>

      * Haut-Jura ==>
      * Haute-Saône ==>  and
      * Territoire de Belfort ==>

If you would like to report an error or provide additional information ==>

This collective work was realized mainly, by Christian PALVADEAU, Alain GUILLAUME, Claude DUPORT, Thierry BOILLOT, Gérard RATTI, Chantal TROUILLOT, Gilles DAVID, without forgetting the punctual participation of many French genealogists, but also 'local' correspondents, such as Eugene YOQUELET, Kay BEUCLER - BUCKLES, Kay DAY, Linda SHEEHY, Amy Suzanne MARTIN, Richard J. SCHRADER, Martine COPELAND, Betty CHILLINGTON, Annette LYNCH ...

The records published by the various associations, CEGFC, Servancnaute, Doubs-Généalogie, Lisa were an invaluable source of data.

We have chosen Expoactes, the software developed and made available free of charge by André DELACHARLERIE, to publish these records.