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Vous souhaitez nous faire parvenir une information, une correction ou nous signaler des émigrants dont nous n'aurions pas connaissance, merci d'envoyer un message à l'adresse ci-dessous

If you wish to send us information, a correction or report emigrants that we are not aware of, please send a message to


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  For Principal   (future/former) Spouse   Father   Mother   Godparent/Witness  

  Comparison: Exact  At start  At the end  Is contained  Phonetic   

Second person (optional)

  Last name   First name

  For (future/former) Spouse  Father   Mother   Godparent/Witness

  Comparison: Exact  At start  At the end  Is contained  Phonetic 

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Searched records

 Birth  Death  Marriage  Miscellaneous 

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  Municipality or Parish



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